Traditional pottery is Japanese Tokoname Bonsai Pots still popular

Japanese Tokoname Bonsai Pots

Japanese tokoname pottery is one of the ancient artistry that still exists, and is used by the people of Japan. Being an ancient artistic clay work, it is popular all over the world and used in the form of teapots, flower vases, bowls. The earthen or clay pots have been continued from the prehistoric times. It …

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Growing a bonsai nursery – Explore the hobby?

Bonsai Nursery

Many have bonsai propagation as a hobby. It is a pure investment of time, patience and creativity. Observing the growth and capturing every episode of the bonsai’s life is indeed a pleasure. Changing Bonsai pots periodically is like adding flavor to your desserts! Taking care of a bonsai nursery is a mere liking. Bonsai nursery …

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Why is Indoor Plant Nursery a Boon to Health?

indoor plants are good for your health

Gone are the days when indoor plants would be treated as just another piece of furniture and left in a corner. Today, we are more open to the concept and the benefits of having an indoor plant nursery and their advantages simply outweigh the work involved. The most important aspect of keeping an indoor plant …

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Know About Hydroponic Nutrients and Their Benefits

hydroponic nutrients

The concept of the term “hydroponic” has been there for thousands of years. The idea of gardening without the use of soil is known as Hydroponic Gardening. This form of gardening has become very famous in the recent times, though the usage of this form of gardening dates back to 50’s era. Many developing countries …

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Companion Plants Top 10 Best

top ten companion plants

Some plants do better when in the company of other plants for a variety of reasons…to repel harmful insects, to attract useful insects, or to enhance the growth rate and flavor of other plants. Companion planting helps bring a balanced eco-system to your garden. Every garden is different with different problems. All problems will not be eliminated, but it is definitely worth experimenting with companion planting. Below are the top 10 plant companion combinations.

Grow Lettuce in Containers

grown lettuce in containers

Why grow lettuce in a container? In my case it is because the snails and slugs will not let me enjoy fresh, tender lettuce, straight from the garden. For some reason, they have not yet discovered it when grown with this method. Another reason is that it is weed free, making a cut-and-come-again harvest a …

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