The Definitive Guide on Combating Garden Pests Naturally

pest damage

When bugs and rodents make your garden their new home, the last thing you should do is resort to chemicals. Even though pesticides are fast and remarkably effective, you’ll inevitably contaminate your plants and soil, becoming more of a pest to your garden than the ones you’ve eliminated. There are many natural alternatives to pesticides, …

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Companion Plants Top 10 Best

top ten companion plants

Some plants do better when in the company of other plants for a variety of reasons…to repel harmful insects, to attract useful insects, or to enhance the growth rate and flavor of other plants. Companion planting helps bring a balanced eco-system to your garden. Every garden is different with different problems. All problems will not be eliminated, but it is definitely worth experimenting with companion planting. Below are the top 10 plant companion combinations.

Time To Feed The Fungi

Considered as one of the most strenuous annual chores when owning a home, dead leaves blowing in from a neighbors yard or just simply blowing makes one understand the invention of the chain saw. They provide shade in the heat of summer and spectacular color in autumn but the most important function of leaves on …

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