Traditional pottery is Japanese Tokoname Bonsai Pots still popular

Japanese Tokoname Bonsai Pots

Japanese tokoname pottery is one of the ancient artistry that still exists, and is used by the people of Japan. Being an ancient artistic clay work, it is popular all over the world and used in the form of teapots, flower vases, bowls. The earthen or clay pots have been continued from the prehistoric times. It …

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Growing a bonsai nursery – Explore the hobby?

Bonsai Nursery

Many have bonsai propagation as a hobby. It is a pure investment of time, patience and creativity. Observing the growth and capturing every episode of the bonsai’s life is indeed a pleasure. Changing Bonsai pots periodically is like adding flavor to your desserts! Taking care of a bonsai nursery is a mere liking. Bonsai nursery …

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