Vegans and Omnivores Unite-Food Security is the Real Issue

sheep arguing

Well, I sent a broadcast email to my entire mailing list this afternoon. I was entirely unprepared for the backlash… and lots of unsubscribes. Vegan or Omnivore is NOT the Debate when Food Security is at Stake In case your don’t subscribe to “The Homestead Express” and didn’t get the email, it was a notice …

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Fall Foliage

fall folliage

Only a few regions of the world are fortunate enough to have a beautiful display of fall foliage when the leaves of the trees change in the fall – Oklahoma is one of them. Some areas of the our state are known for especially beautiful areas. I live in “Green Country” and this is certainly …

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National Garden Month

National Garden Month

April is National Garden Month! Every April communities, organizations, and individuals nationwide celebrate gardening during National Garden Month. Gardeners know, and research confirms, that nurturing plants is good for us: attitudes toward health and nutrition improve, kids perform better at school, and community spirit grows. Join the celebration and help to make America a greener, …

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Not at Home on the Range

Subsidized Fracking Hits Colorado This is an interesting article documenting the connections between tax subsidies, oil and gas fracking, and harms to the public health. And this article indicates that this kind of extreme oil production is NOT a free market activity, but is possible/profitable only because of subsidies. Repeat: this kind of extreme energy …

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Climbing the Green Ladder

climbing the green wooden ladder

One of the great benefits of our day and age is that we have so many more ways to one-up the next guy. For example, depending on your perspective and priorities, you can feel better about either sending your child to a public school in need of kids from stable homes or a private school in need of poor kids to help level out the demographics. We do both, which puts our family on a real high horse.

Local Extension Offices

I had a page posted for years that took hours to update once a year. It had been a good resource for years, but due to a comment on an article posted in Death of the Honey Bee our poster shared a website that goes oh so much further, not only helping you find your …

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Growing Communities

community gardening

Imagine a city in which every neighborhood is filled with healthy street trees, attractive parks, and productive gardens; where the air and water are clean; where neighborhood youth take an active role in improving their environment; and where diverse residents come together to build their city stronger through community stewardship.