Let’s Go to Bed – I don’t like this day. I need a new one.

Lets go to bed. I am tired of this day, I need a new one.

And… This morning I feel like a murderer…..I woke to the darkness and took my time out on the deck to enjoy the mornings peaceful and finally, warmer temps. Coffee in hand I could hear Peckerhead crowing his own greeting to what promises to be a nice day. The Little Chicken Mafia clucking away quietly, …

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Merry Christmas from Nancy Broadley

merry christmas from Nancy Broadley

Merry Christmas 🙂 Twas Christmas Day, All was quiet on the farm, Not a creature was stirring, Not even the Little Chicken Mafia in the Barn. As my boots squished through the poop, And with hay in my hair, I delivered the chickens, Their Christmas fare. The Nasties were quiet, as quiet as Duckies could …

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Being Green, Gardening and Why I Blame my Kid

So often you hear “It is all my parents fault” occasionally I even hear m mother taking the blame for my occasionally caustic personality thought I’m fairly certain I’ve never blamed her for my questionable vocabulary and sharp tongue Not that she is shy by any means just a little more diplomatic.