US First and Last Frost Dates

USDA Zone Map

Dates on this chart are approximations, no one can KNOW the weather, every season is different. Most years, the first and last frost will fall within two weeks of the date on the chart, but some years, we get a very early frost or a late snow storm that throws the dates off.

Appreciating the Winter Garden

hellabores - christmas rose

Two words bring together my feelings about gardening: appreciation and fascination. At the end of December, when time seems compressed and hasty, tasks are many and quiet moments few, the garden gives us time to appreciate a slower, gentler pace. Appreciation means, to me, looking closely at plants, sensing the feel of damp winter air, …

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May Garden Calendar

seed packet

Wow… May already. Where did the time go? The gardening calendar for May provides a list of recommended food growing tips and gardening chores.
As I mentioned in the last calendar update, April and May, about growing organic food, more people garden in April and May than any other time of the year.

April Gardening Calendar

The gardening calendar for April provides a list of recommended food growing tips and <sigh>gardening chores. If you haven’t started your organic gardening adventure yet, it is HIGH time! April is a wonderful time for growing organic food. More people garden in April and May than any other time of the year. Winter is over, …

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March Gardening Calendar

The biggest focus this month is, “When can I DO something?” If you have been asking yourself this question, the answer is a LOT! March is the month to really get started

Winter Garden Salad

ideal emergency preparedness food-sprouts

If it is a bit early to begin growing seeds indoors for transplants for the spring garden where you are, you don’t have to wait! Even if you don’t have a greenhouse, you make a windowsill winter garden salad. You can eat it within weeks! Grow your own Micro-Greens! Use a window box liner with …

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Winter Blues Have Set In

fall arugula

Okay, it is official. I am tired of all the cold ‘yard work’. The greenhouse is growing what it can just fine, the hay is covering the cabbage, brussels sprouts, and broccoli for the long cold days they are enduring… as usual for this time of year, the garden looks like it is waiting with …

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Garden Calendar Funnies

Okay, one of the largest sections of GardenSimply is the Garden Calendar. I have looked at it so many times I am sick of looking at it. So I was wondering what other peoples’ garden calendars look like, and I found one that just CRACKED me up… this guy (Eric Walker) is fun to read. He says…