Growing Tomatoes

This is a series of articles with information on how to grow tomatoes; from sowing seeds through to how to use up all the fruit you can’t eat fresh at the end of the season…. it’s all here!

Starting Tomatoes from Seed
What could be more delicious than fresh tomatoes straight from the garden? If you agree, read this article on sowing and planting tomatoes.

Tomato Diseases
Although growing tomatoes is relatively straightforward, they can be attacked by a number of pests and diseases. Find out how to identify these and how to treat them.

How to Grow Tomatoes
Once your tomatoes have germinated and been planted, then comes the good part!

How to Choose Tomato Plants
Choosing a good tomato plant is determined most by what you like to eat and how much room you have to grow it.

Pinch and Prune for Huge Tomato Harvests
The key to a large harvest of tomatoes is to grow plants with deep, extensive root systems and full leaf canopies.

Troubleshooting Tomato Problems
Fresh, vine-ripened tomatoes are one of the great joys of summer. However, sometimes diseases, pests or environmental stress get in the way of our tomato harvests.

Tomato Recipes
If you have a bumper crop, it is hard to eat them all as they are harvested.
Luckily, tomatoes are ideal for preserving as you will see if you try either of these two recipes – Red Tomato Chutney and Green Tomato Chutney.

Tomato Encore – Rejuvenating Tomatoes
By the end of summer, the tomato patch is usually pretty ragged-looking due to the depredation of summer. You know the usual… insects, mites, and wilt, blight, HEAT. The plants have also stopped setting fruit due to the heat of summer. However, as autumn approaches and along with it comes a fresh new start in the vegetable garden. Did you know that you can rejuvenate tomatoes for fall?

Extend Tomato Harvest
Extend your tomato harvest and enjoy them longer when you take these simple steps in late summer and early fall.

fresh sliced tomatoes

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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