Homesteading in the Colder Months – Essential Skills to Develop Over the Winter Season

“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.” – Rumi.

Homesteading in the colder months for the first time might not turn out to be as you had planned, but there is so much to learn, skills to develop, chores to do, and have a wonderful experience by spending time wisely. While the winter months might seem peaceful and you might be enjoying delicious soup made using your preserved food from the Autumn season, there is still a lot that you need to do: shoveling the snow, feeding the livestock, practicing DIY hacks, and discovering your inner self. There are tons of ideas and things that you could plan apart from the regular chores, and here are some great ones that you could start with:

Livestock Feeding

While the winter season approaches, homesteading can make you feel cozy and warm, but things are not the same for your livestock. With the dropping temperatures, your livestock needs your attention and care. Larger animals such as horses might be able to sustain easily, but your furry friend, chicken, and other feathered creatures require your special care in terms of feeding and provision of optimal heating. Prepare them a source of drinking water and observe closely how they’re impacted by the freezing cold to make appropriate adjustments. If you ensure proper feeding and bedding for your smaller animals and even a comfortable environment for your barn animals, then you’ve already acquired a great skill during your homesteading experience.

Enhancing Cooking Skills and Discovering Natural Remedies

As a winter homesteader, most of your time would be spent in the kitchen in terms of cooking and preserving food. While the chilly weather might be pleasant and the snow-covered surroundings might look dreamy, the winter season requires you to preserve food or opt for canned eatables just in case you might not be able to cook at home. While the winter season approaches, you can shop for canned food or upgrade your cooking skills to prepare for the extreme temperatures in advance. You could learn new recipes and discover amazing hacks to help you in the kitchen to enhance your homesteading experience. An essential aspect is learning natural remedies just in case you might need help, and it would not be possible to go out. You could even use natural remedies as a replacement for medication; some examples include homegrown herbs, organic juices, and herbal tea.

Related  12 Herbs to Grow Indoors in the Winter

Gardening and Other Hobbies to Start at Home

As a homesteader, realizing the importance of developing gardening skills and discovering new hobbies can make your life easier with a great pastime to prevent boredom. The initial phase to start your indoor gardening setup is to plan and finalize the seeds you wish to grow. Once you have an inventory of seeds, you can begin with an indoor seed plantation set up, including prominent ones such as: heirloom, tomatoes, and root vegetables. A wonderful leisure time is to discover yourself and adopt that one hobby that you’ve always wanted to pursue but couldn’t due to a busy life. You could try out painting, DIY hacks, design your own skincare products, or even resort to old-fashioned hobbies such as making scented candles, sewing, or knitting. While you’re pursuing an activity, it can help you unwind from the busy life and would definitely give a fresh start to your life as a homesteader.

Sheep, Homesteading in the Colder Monthsr

Dealing with the Cold Weather on the Homestead

Being a homesteader, an individual must know how to deal with the cold weather and identify the optimal strategies to utilize time and resources wisely. focuses on the prime aspects of preparing for the cold weather as a homesteader, highlighting the importance of safety, preparing for emergencies, and fire and carbon monoxide leaks. While attaining self-sufficiency as a homesteader, one must focus on personal as well as commercial homestead responsibilities. Clearing snow and ice from commercial properties is crucial for safety and avoiding liability. It’s not just about clearing driveways but also taking all the necessary steps to prevent accidents and legal concerns.

While embracing self-sufficiency and discovering the inner self as a homesteader, it’s not just about working and developing skills; one should also focus on getting enough rest, relaxation, and time for reflection. A winter homesteader should practice old skills and focus on developing new ones while keeping a special time for self-development. After all the gardening, harvesting, livestock care, and other chores, it is necessary to unwind and recharge too.

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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