Tomatoes – Pests and Disease

Although tomatoes are relatively easy to grow, there can be problems with a variety of tomato pests and disease.
aphids are tomato pests

The most common tomato pests and disease

  • Aphids – I wouldn’t use pesticides when there is such an easy way to kill them. An organic way of dealing with them is to spray with soapy water.
  • Greenhouse whitefly – use the same methods as for aphids.
  • Potato cyst eelworm – rotate planting so tomatoes (and potatoes) are not planted in the same place every year.
  • Tomato Mosaic Virus – symptons are mottled yellow curled leaves sometimes with brown steaks on the stems. The only thing to do is to destroy the entire plant including roots and fruit. Don’t put it in the compost, it is better to burn it.
  • Pototo Blight – usually seen only on outdoor plants. Symptoms are brown patches on leaves with dark brown streaks on stems. In severe attacks, white threads can appear on the underside of leaves. Again, destroy the entire plant.
  • Leaf Mold– only affects greenhouse grown plants. Symptoms are a grey to purple colored mold on the underside of leaves with brown marks on the tops. It occurs when there is insufficient ventilation and the greenhouse becomes too humid. Remove leaves as soon as you see the mold and destroy the plants as soon as tomatoes ripen. Do not put plants or leaves on the compost heap. When the tomatoes have finished, wash the greenhouse down with a disinfectant.
  • Didymella Stem Rot– usually seen on greenhouse plants. Symptoms are irregular slimy black circular lesions on stems close to the ground. Destroy affected plants and spray the bottom of stems of the remaining plants with a copper based fungicide. When the plants have finished and tomatoes ripened, destroy them, do not compost. Rotate tomato plants every year or two to prevent attacks.
  • Blossom End Rot – symptoms are brown or black patches that can become leathery at the flower end of a developing tomato (the opposite end to the stem). It is caused by a lack of calcium and can occur after a period of drought conditions. Prevention is better than cure in this case, so avoid letting tomatoes become too dry.
  • Phytophthora Stem Rot – Symptoms are brown or black fungus on the main stems, often succeeded by white, cottony growth. Destroy affected plants, do not compost. The soil should be replaced or sterilized before using again.

There is another common problem not caused by pests or diseases:

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Skin splitting on tomatoes

This can be a combination of cold weather and irregular watering. In cool conditions, the fruit develops slowly and the skins becomes tough. When they then have a dry spell followed by plenty of water, the skin can’t expand to accommodate it and splits. Although they don’t look very appetizing, the tomatoes can still be eaten.

See Also…Plant Pests and Disease

More on Growing Tomatoes
Starting Tomatoes from Seed
How to Grow Tomatoes
How to Choose Tomato Plants
Pinch and Prune for Huge Tomato Harvests
Troubleshooting Tomato Problems
Tomato Recipes
Tomato Encore – Rejuvenating Tomatoes
Extend Tomato Harvest

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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