5 Basic Requirements to Start Organic Gardening

In this article we will look at five basic requirements to start organic gardening that you should be aware of before you even embark on this venture.

Having an organic garden with delicious fruits and vegetables can be rewarding, beneficial and satisfying. However, the entire process can seem too much to bear if you’re not prepared for it.

You do not want to be in a situation where you started off all excited, but it has now become a nightmare because you just can’t deal with all the responsibilities that come with it.

1. Time

Most people get excited when they think of organic gardening. The idea of cooking and/or eating your own fruits and vegetables seems so rewarding. An important point to note is that there’s a lot of time and effort that’s involved in organic gardening.

Look at your schedule and see if you have the time for it. If you’re a busy career woman or a businessman who travels often, having an organic garden may not be a good option for you, if there’s no one to tend the garden when you’re not around. It will simply fill up with weeds.

2. Knowledge Requirements to Start Organic Gardening

Before even planting a single seed, you should have read several books on the topic and have a rough idea of what it’s all about. This will allow you to avoid many of the common mistakes that people make.

Knowing what alternatives to use besides pesticides, how to check the pH of your soil, what are the most suitable crops to grow, etc. are just some of the things you should know. When I was young and wanted to grow this or that, my father used to tell me, “if you won’t eat it, then don’t grow it!” I agree.

3. Planning

Planning is probably the most crucial requirement of this short list. You must know how much space you have for your gardening and what crops you will be growing.

Is the climate suitable for what you’re growing? Is there enough space? What tools do you need?
Like Dale Carnegie once said, “An hour of planning will save you 10 hours of doing.” Nothing could be more true.

4. Budget

While organic gardening is relatively inexpensive once you are experienced, there are some initial costs that can add up when you are beginning. You need to get tools, seeds, make your soil fertile, purchase or make your own compost and so on.

Related  Having a problem with slugs in your garden?

It would be a good idea to calculate just how much money you need before you get started.

5. Your Purpose

Knowing why you decided to start organic gardening will help you stay focused and consistent in the long run. Once the initial excitement is over and the daily work begins, it may seem like a chore to water the crops daily and constantly create compost for your garden.

Write down your objective and what you hope to achieve with your garden. Do you want healthier food? Do you want to save money on your groceries? Is this a hobby? Does it give you happiness?

Write it all down and frame up this little note and hang it somewhere in your garden. This will help you remember why you started if you ever feel like giving up.

Organic gardening can be a very rewarding activity that allows you to save money, eat healthier, get exercise and get in touch with nature. It just really doesn’t get better than that.

you can grow this much food in a 4x6 garden

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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