Garden Calendar for September

Don’t forget your Garden Calendar for September. You don’t want to miss anything important!

Harvest! If you took the time to plant a fall garden, many good veggies will be ready for harvest this month. If you happen to get more produce from your happy plants than you anticipated, make sure you still get everything removed from your plants. If you are short on time I’m sure you could get friends, family, and neighbors to help! Not only are these goodies too tasty to let rot, but if they do, you are encouraging a huge host of unwanted pests- insects, rodents, birds, fungi, bacteria, you name it, it will come if you let your harvest get out-of-hand. So do your garden a favor and eat!

Go Shopping! Most folks think this is the end of the gardening season, but seriously, it is a perfect time to get a weee bit more gardening in! You can plant all winter hardy herbs and plants, giving the roots time to establish before the ground begins to freeze. It is a great time to get good deals on fruit trees and berries (including grapes and blackberries) This time of year nurseries discount their stock and it a great time for bargains.

Divide your perennials. Most perennial plants (except those that are currently blooming) will divide and transplant well during this cool, moist season. Do not transplant past October to give roots time to settle in.

Plant spring bulbs. Late September through October is the best time for planting your
favorite Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, and more. They can be planted until the ground is hard with ice.

Remove diseased foliage. Any diseased or insect infested foliage should be burned. (not composted) Although proper composting should kill most diseases, it is not advisable to add them to your own compost bin. Contact your county recycling center for instructions on how to properly dispose of non-compostable vegetation.

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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