Garden Calendar for April

Once again, during the busiest month of the gardening year, I bring you… the Garden Calendar for April!

Ta Da!
Here are a few gems you’ll find…

Ice cream scoops are great to dig holes of uniform size when setting out transplants, and the dirt slides right off when you release the handle.

A list of many plants that you can direct sow right now. Direct sow means you can plant the seed directly in the ground. May not sound like a big deal, but by direct sowing you don’t need to buy the seedlings at the store (unless you just want to) – MUCH cheaper and your plants stand a much better chance of growing true seed.

If you read January’s garden chores, you’ll be harvesting broccoli and lettuce and radishes right now!

Did you know that now is a good time to divide mint, chive, tarragon, and thyme?
If you covered your strawberry beds during the winter, now is the time to uncover them.

See the full list at April garden calendar for the food garden.

In the lawn department…

Do not mow the lawn until it has grown at least two inches. The roots are being renewed in the spring and grass needs vigorous top growth initially.

Remove sticks, rocks and other debris from your lawn to prevent damaging your lawnmower or injuring yourself when mowing. Get it done beFORE the grass grows up and you can’t see it anymore.

Perennials, Annuals, and Bulbs
Plant dahlia tubers as soon as the danger of frost is passed. Stake them when you plant them to avoid injury to tubers. To ensure the dahlia tubers you plant have survived storage, sprout them indoors in a warm, lit spot.

Many popular perennials can be divided now including: phlox, fall asters, shasta daisies, baby’s breath and liriope. Set up a plant exchange with friends and neighbors to share the excess.

Then there is the section on Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcovers

Thin new fruit on citrus, apple, and peach trees. Thin heavy-cropping nectarines and peaches when fruit is 1/2 inch (1-1.5 cm) in diameter. Protect open flowers from frost damage by draping muslin or horticultural fleece over trees at night. Mist open peach flowers with a fine spray to help the setting of fruit.

Don’t coat pruning cuts with tree paint or wound dressing, except for control of certain disease-carrying insects. These materials won’t prevent decay or promote wound closure. Some tests, however, have shown wound dressings to be beneficial on trees that are susceptible to canker or systemic disease.

Related  Garden Calendar For August

Don’t add organic matter to the soil when planting trees. It does not help the tree become established and may create conditions that encourage the roots to stay inside the planting hole instead of spreading into the surrounding soil. Do dig a large planting hole, but fill it with the original soil that was removed from it.

There’s also a section on indoor gardening!

A popular gift plant, the Easter lily, needs bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight and keep the soil moist. After blooming, it can be planted in a sunny spot in the garden after danger of frost is over, where it will bloom next year.

And last, but not least, miscellaneous section for ideas and suggestions that don’t fit into any other category. 🙂

Discourage nibbling deer in your garden this year by using plants that most deer don’t find tasty. Less tasteful annuals appear to include ageratum, dusty miller, french marigold, periwinkle, snapdragon, sweet alyssum, wax begonia, and zinnia. Perennials include bleeding-heart, foxglove, lily-of-the-valley, peony, and yarrow.

At this time of year, honey bees swarm, leave their hives and seek new hives. New swarms are not aggressive and should be left alone.

There is so much more… check out the entire list of garden calendar for April. And most of all, enjoy your garden! 🙂

April Garden Chores

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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