Where are you? We are here!

green country painting
this is where we are!

Homeschool “Mom’s Night Out” looks like it was a big success!

My daughter Hannah, her sister-in-law, Rebecca went with all the other moms in the group to a local artists’ shop. (She teaches the art class Rebecca’s daughter attends. 😉 )

This shows you, our readers sort of where we are. Where in the world are YOU?

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

10 thoughts on “Where are you? We are here!”

  1. Hi Jody:
    Just signed up to your site as I’m helping my 40+ something son to start with container gardening. He needs all the help he can get as he is just starting into growing. My wife (deceased) and I did Organic Gardening and started a Group Farm Market back in 1996 (Post U.S.A.F Retirement of 22 years). We had a Farm-Ette with Cows, Pigs, Meat & Laying Chickens, Goats, Turkeys, and other domestic pets. I did the growing while my wife made homemade food products. It was a great 10 years until health changed it all. We live in NW PA, a town called Marienville on a stretch of 3+acres. Our county is extreme rural with no red lights and only 2 schools Pre-K thru 12th Grade; one on East side, the other West side of the county. Borrowed some of your material to make a quick guide book for my son. Thank You So Much for the well put together material and I hope to stay in touch from time to time as I know your site has more info to pick up. Also, only have email – no site……Dave

    • Dave,
      What a great life you’ve had! I SO understand what you mean about health changing things… even old age! I find myself slowing down a bit these days. I don’t pull weeds by hand anymore, I broke down and learned how to use a hoe, LOL Guess I should have done that years ago and saved my back. I hope that whatever you find on FarmHomestead is helpful and I’m so happy to know it is being used for education. I come from a family of teachers, so that is a compliment. It sounds like you live in a town the size of mine. I’ve been to PA, many years ago and I remember trees… lots and lots of trees. It was pretty, what I remember, Allentown I think it was I drove over to from Boston where I was living at the time. Marienville is further upstate, right? Close to Erie… I remember being in Buffalo in the winter and that was NOT something I’d want to do again. I rather like our mild winters down here in Oklahoma. 🙂 I hope you do stay in touch! And any constructive criticism is always appreciated. Again, I thank you for visiting my little neck of the woods!

  2. Hi Jodi,
    Just found you while looking up some info on Lambs Ear, Liked what I saw and singed up. Also liked that you are in Okla. We are from Ok. A little town ( wide spot in the road, actually )south of Norman, Ok. Maysville, Ok. We now live in NC and are not happy here. Wish we were back in Ok. Too cold and too many mountains. :-@ We have about an acre on the side of a Mt. Have 12 hens and 1 rooster. We garden and do a lot of canning. Built a small greenhouse this summer to try and see if we could extend our growing season a little bit. Looking forward to being with you on our journeys together…will make us feel like we are back home.

    • Carla,
      So happy to hear from you! Isn’t Lamb’s Ear the coolest herb? I DO know what you mean about being so far from home. I’ve lived all over these 50 states and about twelve years ago, I made the decision to come back home. It was a good decision. I know where Maysville is! I spent a lot of time in Paul’s Valley as a kid. This is taking me back… good times. It’s funny, I’ve lived in North Carolina (well, not for more than a year!) but I was east of you in New Bern. I do remember driving west and the mountains. They are beautifully magnificent! And you have herbalists galore there… maybe not in your immediate area, but NC is crawling with them. I will be doing my clinicals soon and have to find a mentor, VERY difficult here in Oklahoma!
      I’m super glad you found me and I will look forward to your comments and input!
      Oh… YEAH! on your new greenhouse. I added onto mine during a summer, few years back and I was just itching for cooler weather to see what I could do with all the new space. You will enjoy it, I’m sure!

  3. Hi I am Miriam married to Rob, we live in Takahue near Kaitaia, Far North in New Zealand. A very long way from where you are. We have a few acres and a couple of cows, we milk and make butter yogurt cheese etc… chooks and ducks a few cats and 3 dogs. A large orchard and a home garden for our use and to batter for other things. Rob was a builder and cabinet maker, we homeschooled all our children and I make salves and balms and herbal concoctions to help people around us. We are building a tiny house to live in and enjoying our retirement. Ha ha busier than ever. Looking forward to learning more and sharing with you. Kind regards from Miriam.

    • Miriam,
      How delightful are your comments! Thanks for sharing. I’d give anything to have enough land for a cow (or FIVE!) I DO have enough for sheep though 🙂 It’s funny, somehow retirement sounds like “slowing down”, but not here either! Jimmy Buffet said, “I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead.” Truth. And kudos for helping others out with your knowledge! That matters a lot and has such a positive effect on people. So glad you’ve joined us, looking forward to hearing more about your life there. Kind Regards, Jodi

  4. Hi, I’m Debbie. My husband, Dick and I live in SW VA, a small berg called Laurel Fork. He retired in 2014, and we moved here from MD. We have 21 acres 12 of which someone rents from us. They produce hay. I have a good sized garden which I’m looking to improve. I also want to plant more flower gardens. I have hopes of making our front yard one big garden area with paths throughout. No more mowing.

  5. Greetings! My husband and I live on 22 acres near Pine Mountain Ga with our 5 outdoor cats and up until last Dec our two dogs. I cultivate medicinal woodland plants and herbs, and my husband seems to stay in the garden with his veggies now that he retired. I found you while searching for harvesting wild cherry bark. I have been keeping this one cherry tree tended for 30 years, and a few days ago a storm blew through again, uprooted the cherry and toppled a huge white oak next to it. I thought it would always be there if needed, but now Im trying to salvage from it what we can use. We used to keep chickens, managed a nursery, and taught medicinal plant cultivation, herbal preparations, plant identification, broom making, and black smithing classes here but now that the kids are grown and gone we have scaled back to tending our gardens and herbal preparations for ourselves, neighbors, family and friends. We follow United Plant Savers and Georgia Grows, and have introduced goldenseal and other at risk medicinal plants next to our native medicinal plants. I always like to learn more from others, thank you for sharing.

    • Greetings from Oklahoma Jae! What a busy life you have! And how fulfilling, I’m sure. I, like you, am getting older, kids are gone, and my back certainly can’t take what it used to. I still keep my chickens, sheep, and herb garden going. I applaud you for all you’ve done/ are doing! I hope you found some good uses for your fallen comrade, the cherry tree. I’ve got three that I make good use of for my little shop. I wish you both the very best and hope you continue on your fruitful journey and thanks for sharing!


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