Essentials of Eco-Friendly Home Design

Sustainability comes in many forms and ways and anyone can find a way to adapt it into their lifestyle and their home design. This is especially true for all those fans of eco-friendly home design out there who want to spend their lives in a green and sustainable space. If you too are looking for ways to make your home more eco-friendly and unlock your own green potential, here are a few ideas for you to explore.

Solar panels

This is the simplest and most effective way to introduce sustainability and eco-friendliness into your home, particularly if you live in a hot region with lots of sunny days. All you need to do is install some high-quality equipment, learn how to maintain it regularly and you’ll be ready to start utilizing all that free solar power already around you. Of course, you can always go a step further and cover your entire roof with solar panels, thus making your property totally independent and free from the constraints of your local electric company.

reclaimed wood seating


Not that many people know this, but proper insulation is among the best ways to make your living space sustainable. You can probably complete that project on your own and thus avoid hiring expensive contractors and paying more than you should. Exterior and interior insulation help you regulate your interior temperature more adequately and keeps your home cooler in the summer and warmer during winter, so look into it as soon as possible.

Green space

Introducing lots of plants and flowers into your living space might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s still an amazing way to take your eco-friendliness to another level. Plants not only look amazing, but they come with a ton of health benefits as well, especially if you decide to go all in and install a decorative vertical garden in your home. This idea is both practical and eco-friendly – especially for those people who live in urban areas and don’t have enough space to plant a proper garden – and it will soon become the focal point of your home.

Eco-friendly materials

No matter how new your home is, it could surely use a couple of renovations every now and then – a remodeled kitchen, a larger bathroom and a new patio are just some of the ways to spice up your place and elevate the quality of your own life. However, some renovations aren’t as eco-friendly as they could be, so you should always insist on using second-hand items and eco-friendly materials as the most natural solution out there. Reclaimed wood, glass and steel are just as good as new materials, but much more eco-friendly in the long run.

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Some of the other ways to pump up the sustainability in your home include purchasing some LED bulbs, installing double-glazed windows, sealing your leaky front door and re-purposing your old furniture and décor instead of purchasing new pieces. Ultimately, there are lots of things you can do, so just pick the ideas that suit your living space and make the most of them.

Lucas Berman - AuthorThe author, Lucas Bergman is a real estate agent and renewable energy consultant with many hobbies and passions, but above all, he enjoys the most spending time with his wife – Mara. He also likes Lord of the Rings. He, actually, very much likes Lord of the Rings. He is a regular contributor at
The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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