How To Build a Compost Bin

compost bin made of 1x6 wood

Holding bins are a convenient way of composting yard wastes with little effort: Simply add wastes as they are cleaned up from the yard. With no effort besides occasional moistening compost will be ready in 6 months to 2 years. Attention to chopping materials, maintaining moisture by watering and covering piles with plastic, and occasional turning will produce compost in less time.

Facts About Composting

compost layers

With these composting principles in mind, everyone can make excellent use of their organic wastes The Biology of Compost The compost pile is really a teeming microbial farm. Bacteria start the process of decaying organic matter. They are the first to break down plant tissue and also the most numerous and effective composters. Fungi and …

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Happy Herbalist Day! 2017

herbalist day

“None of us can walk the herbal road alone.” That is a quote from an email I got from school today. It couldn’t be more true. And for all of those that have walked this road with me, you have my gratitude! Shalom!

US First and Last Frost Dates

USDA Zone Map

Dates on this chart are approximations, no one can KNOW the weather, every season is different. Most years, the first and last frost will fall within two weeks of the date on the chart, but some years, we get a very early frost or a late snow storm that throws the dates off.

Organic Insect Spray Recipes

home-made insecticide spray

Use of organic sprays are more friendly to the environment. They are comprised of common organic materials, soaps and occasionally other environmentally friendly materials. They are often home brewed recipes that you can make and save money along the way. Or, if you are not inclined to make up a batch of your own, they are readily available at most garden supply stores.

National Garden Month

National Garden Month

April is National Garden Month! Every April communities, organizations, and individuals nationwide celebrate gardening during National Garden Month. Gardeners know, and research confirms, that nurturing plants is good for us: attitudes toward health and nutrition improve, kids perform better at school, and community spirit grows. Join the celebration and help to make America a greener, …

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