How To Stay Committed To Reaching Your Goals

Let’s admit it, we all have that one goal we’ve been trying to set yet failed to achieve.

Think about countless New Year’s resolution attempts, broken piggy banks, a planned vacation that remains a plan.

So how exactly do we go about having a goal and then actually achieve it?

The key to success is an overly used cliché, yet only followed by a few – “commitment”. Yes, the word does not only apply to relationships. It also applies to everything else in life that one wishes to achieve. It could be applied to using good records so that you don’t lamb in winter (unless that IS your goal!) your weight-loss program, a more productive garden, or simply beating your early-morning alarm.

Commitment is the Key to Reaching your Goals

The only problem is that not everyone stays committed. The word itself is associated with fear, distraction, procrastination, and other adjectives. You are in luck though, because below are a set of tricks you can carry up your sleeve should you commit to tackle your goals head-on.

Set a Clear and Definite Goal

Another cliché, but this actually is a herculean task for most of us.
You must set a realistic goal first, one that you think is worth your efforts if you intend to achieve a result.

It’s not enough that you know what you want to achieve. You also should have a detailed plan before you make that first step. As soon as the path has been carved, it will only be a matter of time (and willpower) before you reach the destination.


We all fall victim to pitfalls and unexpected turns. In fact, a lot of people would stop after the first fall or wrong turn. When challenges come up and emotions cloud your judgment, you need to focus on what your real purpose is and go on with your journey.

Keep Moving

This is the reason goals are planned ahead in detail, so you will not have to analyze (or over analyze) when you are already midway through your journey. Sacrifices are expected and you will fall a few times. Just get up and keep moving until you reach your destination. Stopping in your tracks, giving up, and turning back are no longer options when you have a written plan. You always know where to pick up where you may have left off, start something over, or finish what you forgot you were working on before you got side tracked.

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Take it from Mary Poppins, “Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down”. Don’t think of your goal as a task, but a game. Something enjoyable is far easier to keep doing than something you dread. After all, it is in the journey that we learn – not the destination.

commitment is the key to achieving your goals

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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