Veggie & Fruit Superfoods to Enjoy in the Fall

Everyone loves festive foods. Fall time foods are some of the most exciting foods that people look forward to every year because of the special occasions that they represent. With so many great things for everyone to try, it might become difficult to make a choice about what you will make, or this might your first time making a dish for a family meal. If that’s the case, you’ll be excited to know that this article has been put together so you can get a few ideas about what you can share with your loved ones.

Brussels Sprouts

brussels sprouts formin
brussels sprouts grow in a unique way!

These tiny cabbages are a wonderfully versatile and delicious food that can be incorporated into wide variety of dishes. Brussels sprouts fit extremely well into salads and other side dishes to round out amazingly healthy and nutrient rich meals. Lightly sautéing these tasty little veggies in a pan with some olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper can expose you to a delightful experience after only 5 to 7 minutes of cooking.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are from a world all their own. They taste great with little or no seasoning at all and you can have a delicious, and highly nutrient rich meal by simply setting your oven to 430 degrees for 40 minutes. If you’re looking for more decadence, you can simply sprinkle it with some cinnamon and drop a few spoonfuls of organic butter on a freshly prepared sweet potato and see what all of the talk is about.


This rooting vegetable is a major player that is overlooked quite often. Carrots are super high in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins C and A. They can be prepared and go with almost any meal that a person can think of from a variety of cultures. Carrots can add a ton of flavor to soups and accompany meats extremely well. They are also very high in fiber which is important for a healthy digestive system.

autumn apples
As one of the top 5 most popular fruits of all time, apples have become quite a staple among people all over the world. These fruits are high in antioxidants and fiber, and they provide a good amount of vitamins and minerals to help the body stay healthy and functioning. They are also famous for their flavonoids, which help keep the heart healthy and pumping.

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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