The Herb Cottage

Okay, I haven’t been there in a very long time, but I was born in Texas, does that count? 😉

I was delighted that Cindy offered us the opportunity to publish her article, Horseradish, Herb of the Year 2011 a well written and informative article on the history, medicinal uses, and cultivation of the horseradish root.

So, I am perusing her website and she stole my heart with her newsletter archives all the way back to 2002… I gave up on the idea some time ago and simply decided to keep a blog, LOL. If you would like to find some great gardening information, especially in the southern Texas area you really should check out her site

Best of all, Cindy has signed the Safe Seed Pledge that states, “I do not knowingly sell any plants that come from GE seeds or that have been hybridized through GE technology.” For more information on the Council for Responsible Genetics, you can access the web site:

Yeah!! That is triple thumbs up in my book! Thank you Cindy. 🙂

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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