Fall Cabbage Worms

Cabbage butterflies herald the spring, but their caterpillars, hatching from hundreds of eggs laid during a single spring day, are among the most terrible of pests. They attack cruciferous plants from the Brassicaceae family – cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, bok choy, nasturtium and others. The most successful control is prevention. When you spot these lovely …

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Control Cabbage Worms Organically

cabbage worm damage on cabbage

Did you have beautiful cabbage plants yesterday? Did you come out to your lovely organic garden this morning to this… Cabbage worms can do damage to the entire cruciferous (cabbage) family of plants but definitely prefer cabbage and cauliflower; also Alyssum and Nasturtium in the flower garden. They frequently damage turnips, kale, collards, radishes, and …

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Seed of Tomorrow

zapotec pleated heirloom tomato

There are many reasons to make open pollinated [“heirloom variety”] seeds an integral part of your gardening experience and food storage. They are simply, the “Seed of Tomorrow”. If seeds are collected from F1 hybrids, the plants grown from those seeds will generally not have the characteristics that you desired in the parent plant. Open …

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