Soil PH Preferences for Garden Vegetables

How to use the information in the chart. To make the best of the above lists, group plants with similar soil requirements. Also, avoid planting trees, shrubs, vegetables, flowers and herbs in an unsuitable pH. For example, lilac bushes won’t do much if their feet are sitting in acid soil, while potatoes will be dotted with scab if the soil is too sweet.
(Note: Don’t use them as your only guide because other factors may lead to poor performance.)

Plants are listed here in columns according to the pH level they prefer.
Note that some are very sensitive to pH levels outside their tolerant range, in which case they will appear in more than one column even though they are colored yellow as being "sensitive".

This green background means that this is an ideal pH for this plant.
This background is the ideal pH for this sensitive plant
This background means that this plant is very sensitive to the pH level of the soil.
pH 4.5 pH 5.25 pH 6.0 pH 6.75 pH 7.5
Bilberry Apples Almond Alfalfa Alfalfa
Cranberry Bilberry Apple Almond Artichoke, jerusalem
Blackberry Aubergine Apple Asparagus
Chicory Bean, broad Artichoke, jerusalem Avocado
Cranberry Bean, climbing Asparagus Barley
Gooseberry Bean, french Avacado Bean, french
Pineapple Bean runner Barley Beetroot
Potato Blackberry Bean, broad Beet, sugar
Rhubarb Broccoli Bean, climbing Broccoli
Rosemary Brussels sprouts Bean, french Cabbage
Sage Cabbage Bean, lima Capsicum
Strawberries Capsicum Bean, runner Cauliflower
Carrot Beet, sugar Celery
Beetroot Cherries
Celery Broad bean Chives
Cherry Broccoli Corn
Chickory Brussels sprouts Cucumber
Chives Cabbage Currants
Climbing bean Cantaloup melon French beans
Corn Capsicum Grape vine
Courgette Carrots Garlic
Cucumber Cauliflower Horseradish
Currants Celery Jerusalem artichoke
Eggplant Cherries Leek
Endive Chives Lettuce
French bean Climbing bean Mulberry
Garlic Corn Mushroom
Gooseberry Courgette Mustard
Horseradish Crab apple Onion
Kale Cucumber Parsnip
Lemon Currants Peach
Lentil Endive Peas
Lettuce French beans Pecan
Marrow Garlic Pepper
Mulberry Grape vine Plum
Mustard Grapefruit Raddish
Olives Horseradish Spinach
Onions Jerusalem artichoke Sweet corn
Parsley Kale Sugar beet
Parsnip Kohl rabi Tomato
Peach Leek Turnip
Pear Lemon Watercress
Pea Lentil
Pepper Lettuce
Pineapple Lima bean
Plum Marrow
Potato Melon
Pumpkin Mulberry
Raddish Mushroom
Raspberry Mustard
Rhubarb Olive
Rosemary Onion
Runner bean Orange
Rye Parsley
Sage Parsnip
Shallots Pea
Soyabean Peach
Sprouts, brussels Pear
Squash Pecan
Strawberry Pepper
Swede Plum
Sweet corn Pumpkin
Thyme Quince
Tomato Raddish
Turnip Raspberry
Watermelon Rhubarb
Runner bean
Sweet corn
Swiss chard
Related  Alsike Clover

pH Plant Preference Charts

More on Plant pH…

Identifying Your Soil Type
How pH Affects Plant Foods
Raising Soil pH
Lowering Soil pH

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

4 thoughts on “Soil PH Preferences for Garden Vegetables”

  1. Great chart. However, please explain how to read it. If a plant is colored as “very sensitive” why is it in more than one column? For example, chart says Cauliflower likes pH anywhere between 6.0 and 7.5, but Bilberries only want 5.25. I would think the more sensitive means more finicky and particular, so it would be the Bilberries that would be very sensitive and not the Cauliflower. Please help me understand. Thanks!


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