Eating Healthy And Exercising Regularly Are Keys To Homesteading Self-Discipline

eating healthy and exercising are THE keys to self discipline

Homesteading self-discipline is a holistic endeavor and it goes far deeper than simply changing your eating and exercise habits. Homesteaders, of ALL people, need to eat well and stay healthy. You’ve got your work cut out for you! You can be the most disciplined employee at work or the most disciplined student at school, but …

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The ideal emergency preparedness food: Sprouts

ideal emergency preparedness food-sprouts

Sprouts are THE ideal emergency preparedness food! Given the rapidity with which critical global events are unfolding, preparedness just makes good sense. The question isn’t whether or not to be prepared – it is what to be prepared for? Earthquakes, nuclear accidents, tsunamis, power outages and gasoline shortages have been on this week’s menu. Each, …

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How To Build a Compost Bin

compost bin made of 1x6 wood

Holding bins are a convenient way of composting yard wastes with little effort: Simply add wastes as they are cleaned up from the yard. With no effort besides occasional moistening compost will be ready in 6 months to 2 years. Attention to chopping materials, maintaining moisture by watering and covering piles with plastic, and occasional turning will produce compost in less time.