Ideal Temperatures for Seed Germination

pea seed germinating

Seeds germinate (begin to grow/develop) at different rates. Some need warmer temperatures than others. Some seeds actually need light to germinate (like lettuce). Use the chart below on ideal germination temperatures to achieve more success starting your garden seeds growing! Shown below are the ideal temperatures for germination of many of the most common seeds. …

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Seed Stratification

As all good gardeners know entirely too well, as soon as the soil warms in spring, there will be an overabundance of new weeds to contend with. These are last year’s flowers’ posterity, just waiting for their opportune moment, waiting for conditions to be just right for germination. By delaying their initiation until spring, they …

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Starting Plants From Seed

grow lights

When mail-order catalogs and local garden centers are bursting with a dizzying array of seedlings of all kinds, why would anyone want to bother starting their own plants from seed? Because starting plants from seed is less expensive; there are more varieties to choose from; you can grow higher-quality plants suited to your schedule; and …

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