5 Ways Sugar Causes Disease

Most adults know that sugar is detrimental to their health. We know that sugar causes disease, yet, our eyes glaze over and our mouths water when we look at those enticing cookies as we pass the bakery in the grocery store. Why the temptation?

Temptation gets the better of most people, and the next thing you know, they are chowing down on the cookies and getting a sugar high. This sugar high causes insulin to rush into your blood, gather up all the sugar which will cause them to crash in an hour and leave them feeling horrible.

Sugar is a lot more harmful than it appears to be. But how does sugar cause disease?

1. Sugar Causes Inflammation

Foremost, sugar increases inflammation in the body. In fact, no other substance on the planet inflames the body more than sugar. Continuous consumption of sugar will cause chronic inflammation.

With inflammation, you’ll notice that your body seems to ache and feel weary for no reason. You’re listless, lethargic and just don’t feel good. Sometimes folks don’t even realize that it’s the sugar that caused this.

Inflammation is the leading cause of high cholesterol levels. Most cholesterol in the body is produced by the body to protect the cells. When sugar inflames the cells in your body, it will create the waxy substance known as cholesterol to protect the cells.

The best way to reduce your cholesterol levels will be to reduce your sugar intake drastically. Sugar is much more deadly than the fatty meats and eggs that you’ve been led to believe are dangerous.

Sugar Causes Obesity

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions because the food manufacturing industry has added high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) into most of its processed foods.

By eliminating processed foods such as sodas, cookies, ice cream, even store bought seasonings. This is to eliminate a very ‘aggressive’ processed sugar from your diet. In fact, just removing processed foods from your diet is enough to help you lose several pounds of excess weight easily.

Sugar is Addictive

The most dangerous component of sugar is its addictive nature. The more sugar you consume, the more you crave it. Studies conducted on animals have shown that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. In fact, it’s the most widely consumed substance on the planet and has been taking a toll on our health for many decades now.

Related  Understanding the Dangers of Sugar Addiction

When you consume a sugary food or drink, you experience a blood sugar spike and a ‘high’. You’ll feel happy for an hour or two – but will then experience a sugar crash that does not feel good.

The only way to remedy the problem will be to consume some other sugary food. This is a never-ending vicious cycle that holds millions of people prisoner and leads them to obesity and other health problems.

Sugar Raises Your Risk of Disease

Besides just causing inflammation, raising your cholesterol level and setting the stage for obesity, sugar raises your risk of many other serious health problems.

Cancer cells feed off sugar. So does candida.

The obesity that arises from a high sugar intake also leads to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, amputations and kidney failure.

The health problems that are directly and indirectly linked to a high sugar intake are something that most people never discover and they merely think that sugar just ‘makes you fat’.

It is imperative to understand that it does much worse than that.

Sugar Accelerates Aging

Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, it does. Sugar accelerates the aging process. So, if you wish to retain your youthful good looks and stay at the peak of health, sugar is to be avoided.

These 5 points are just the tip of the massive sugar iceberg. There are so many more negative consequences from consuming excessive amounts of sugar that you could write an entire book on it.

The best thing you can do is to monitor your sugar intake and reduce your consumption of it as much as you can. You may indulge in your daily cup of coffee with two sugar cubes or the occasional soda… BUT do not let the occasional indulgence turn into cravings until it becomes an addiction. Be wary.

sugar causes diabetes

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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