A Serenity Garden For Your Home

enjoy a serenity garden

Most people think about their backyard garden as a place to provide them peace and quiet, a place to relax after a busy day, or maybe a place to draw closer to God Whether you rise early, to enjoy your garden before heading off to work, or come home from work and retreat to your garden to unwind, a serenity garden can help to induce a state of calmness

Growing Tomatoes in Containers and Pots – 4 Top Tips

I have been growing tomatoes in patio containers and pots this year with some success. I also have my beloved plot with tomatoes growing in the ground. I know the ones in the ground will work fine – they have done for thirty years. But growing my tomatoes in containers is anew departure for me.

Beat High Prices by Growing Your Own Tomatoes

It’s easy,very inexpensive and they taste better too so lets get started! STEP 1: Which tomatoes should I grow? If you have a long growing season then you would want to go with an indeterminate variety which grows all summer long. If your growing season is short then you would go with a determinate variety …

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