Keto is Healthy for Your Heart

The keto diet is one of the most popular diets around – and for good reason. Not only can it help you lose weight, but keto is healthy for your heart. One of the many reasons that it is good for your heart is because the diet cuts out foods that are bad for cardiovascular health while encouraging foods that are good for you.

One only has to look at the record number of diabetes cases as well as the vast amount of heart related health incidents to understand that the way people are eating is the root cause of some of these problems.

The low fat, high carb diets that have been touted as helpful simply are not good for your heart. High carb diets are the number one cause of long term health problems, as well as being a big cause of weight gain.

They are simply not good for you the way the keto diet is. It is one of the best diets you could possibly go on to gain both immediate and long term benefits for your heart. When you begin to follow the keto diet, the first thing that occurs is your insulin level drops.

This is beneficial to your heart because higher levels of insulin help the body store more fat. When you eat more than you should or weigh more than you should, your body has to produce greater amounts of insulin.

As a result of this, your body can become insulin resistant. Since insulin is what tempers the metabolism of certain cells within your body, it impacts your heart health. This happens because the higher the glucose load your body deals with, the more damage it can cause to the heart and the more it encourages plaque within your arteries.

The keto diet’s eating plan keeps insulin levels within a range that promotes heart health rather than diminishing it. Another hearth healthy point in favor of the keto diet is that when you eat this way, it lowers your cholesterol.

Keto is Healthy for your Heart

Some people might balk at that fact since fat is used as part of the keto diet. However, since healthy fats are used, the diet boosts your good cholesterol, which in turns helps lowers your risk of developing heart disease. (yes, keto is healthy for your heart)

Studies done on the keto diet show that several metabolic risk factors for developing heart disease are lowered through the keto diet. These risk factors include not having a high enough level of good cholesterol, high or borderline blood pressure, abdominal fat, diabetes, inflammation, and high glucose levels.

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The keto diet is healthy for your heart because it can keep your blood sugar level stabilized. You won’t crave the high sugar foods, which tend to send your glucose levels soaring, and then dropping, which can lead to overeating and retaining fat stores.

Losing even a moderate amount of weight on the keto diet can help lessen cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure and, according to a 2017 study, result in lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and higher HDL cholesterol, which helps protect against heart disease.

A keto diet can also lower elevated blood sugar linked to artery-damaging inflammation.

The Ready Store
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" ~ Thomas Jefferson

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